28 May 2007

Here begins a new chapter in the story of my travels to new and exciting foreign lands. This time I'm heading way down south to Peru. It's beneath the equator, so it's actually winter right now, which I'm not too excited about because I hate the COLD, but I can deal with it. I leave Seattle early Saturday morning and will get to Lima late that night. At that point, I'll probably be torn between wanting to explore the city and wanting to crash from exhaustion. I'll let you know what goes down. I hope to update this as often as I can, but I have no idea what the internet situation will be like in the tiny town I'm staying in.

I only bought my plane tickets two weeks ago, so I've been stressing myself out trying to do everything that needs to get done before I go. But it seems like everything is coming together. I found a sub-letter for my room, I got some Peruvian currency to start out, I purchased travel insurance, and I've been studying my travel guidebook whenever I can.

I'd love it if you'd pray for me and my adventures and please send me some love through email! Hasta pronto!